As a creative person, I always have a variety of side projects, an embarrassing amount of craft and art supplies, and the guarantee that I will never be bored. One idea leads to another, and another.

One of my side projects over the last couple of years, has been photographing miniature figures (about an inch tall) in nature. What started out as a quirky hobby became a way to see things from a new perspective, inhabit new worlds, and revel in the details.

Knowing my love of miniature worlds, one day a friend sent me an article about a Free Little Art Gallery in Seattle and said, “You should do this in Bellingham” — I agreed. Our Little Free Gallery (LFG) opened in May of 2021. Based on the model of a little free library (take a book/leave a book), but for art — our LFG is one of many community art spaces that sprung up across the country in the wake of COVID isolation. Since it opened, this little space continues to be a regular surprise, delight and inspiration. Creativity abounds. Community grows, and the LFG inspires many (including myself) to make and share their art more regularly.

Follow on Instagram @littlefreegallery_bellingham